Sunday, February 04, 2007


I appreciate reading my sister's blog. She has an uncanny ability to be unfiltered. I live in a state of greater paranoia than that. I am scared that someone will find me and try to use the information against me. I am constantly amazed by people who can post their personal information and pictures, like Heather from I am much more restrained, wanting to only write about things that are non-traceable. Nothing emotional or too ranty.

I have a personal blog that no one sees. This is the public one.

I was in HK this weekend, and I was fraught with party narcolepsy, a condition that has afflicted me over the past couple of years. Have I lost my mojo? I simply do not have the stamina to stay out without being tired, and I can fall asleep in bars and clubs on a dime. This is amusing to my friends and questionably amusing to Matt, who I think would prefer that I stay up later and not seems like such a chump.

I was pumped to see a favorite Filipino band, and I was so sleepy. We left after they sang that California song at From Dusk Till Dawn. Christian's twin is the singer in the band. The singer likes to wear crocodile shoes. We joke that he has an American passport because Christian's got stolen some time back. And singer dude is as close to spit and image as they come...

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