Monday, May 11, 2009

Thunder and Lightning

When we first got Bucky we admired him for his ability to withstand rainstorms with their loud thunder and bright lightning. I realize he was on his good behavior and in reality he is quite the chicken shit. Two nights this weekend we spent with him in our bed. He followed either Matt or I upstairs after we let him in when it started raining. He jumped up on our bed - no small undertaking given the fact he is frightened of descending anything, let alone that distance which spans all of eighteen inches. Matt lay him down between us, which was the only time his tail wagged with unabated glee at the comfort of his parents. Matt eventually carried him off the bed where he slept on our bathmat just off of Matt's sleepside.

In the mornings Matt would carry him down the stairs and I would take him for a walk.

Some could say that this is pathetic but I think he is just showing his quirkiness a bit more every day.