Friday, March 23, 2007


I was living in LA when the whole Juicy Couture thing hit its hayday. Leave it to America (and Los Angeles) to attempt to add style to what is the quintessentially amorphous sweatsuit. I suppose that during Flo Jo's days (may she and her bling nails rest in peace) it was the running suit that women everywhere would wear on their weekly grocery errands. But thanks to that no-name wife of John Taylor (God I love Duran Duran) - we had an update - a low rise, flared, psuedo velour sweatpants in a variety of fashion forward colors. Juicy was outrageously expensive to me (during my Nordstrom shopping days) and I found the gold lamme "Juicy Couture" in a baroque font to be, well, dangerous to my more Ann Taylor / Banana Republic days.

So it never struck me how entirely too casual these togs were until I arrived in Hong Kong in mid 2003. Juicy was no where to be found among the skinny jean Converse high top sea of humanity that greeted me in Asia. So over time I adopted - not too the style of my fellow HK people, but to be a little less LA casual (in my myriad of monkey faced T-shirts) when I was not working.

Earlier this week I was in Hong Kong riding an escalator at a train station when I was behind a thirtysomething Asian lady who was wearing a full-on purple Juicy outfit. And at that very moment, I understood. It is what my sister has succintly deemed as AOA - Absence of Ass. This trait plagues many of us Asians. Fortunately low rise jeans seem to help this issue for me, but there needs to be some form to the fabric for this cut to work. The Juicy style has no formed it and therefore does a a disservice to the ass challenged.

Practically speaking I am glad that this style never hit in Hong Kong. Thank goodness for prevalent mirrors!

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