Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hypochondriac Part 2

In Malaysia Matt and I were eaten alive by sandflies (these gory photos show the evidence). Up until yesterday I was itching like mad, even drawing blood through my khakis on Saturday (eww). These exotic Southeast Asian bugs tend to leave me bruised for some reason. I feel fine even though I look like I was knocked out by a shadowboxer. At dinner on last Thursday, the discussion migrated to flesh eating diseases, which I was certain I was then plagued with (I have since crawled down from that fatalistic ledge).

Sandflies are evil because you can't see them biting you at 2 inch intervals. I even feel like I am Pig Pen - mosquitoes tend to swarm me because I have other bug bites, I think. Or I am just paranoid (and mosquitos liking me would certainly not be news).


vanishingword said...

I am really impressed. That is amazing- sand flies you say! I have never heard of these and frankly I am really quite glad. You don't mind me feeling relief about that do you? I really can't do bugs.

vanishingword said...
