Thursday, March 08, 2007


It is official. Matt's foot is broken. The fifth metatarsil to be exact on his right (driving) foot. I have learned that bones are brittle. Matt has played hockey forever and has not broken a bone during play. This is especially ironic because I thought I had broken my toe after I dropped an ice skate squarely on the center of my big right toe (bloody right feet). So I went to the doctor last Wednesday and got an X-ray on Thursday. Matt had his accident on Sunday, which resulted in a visit to the ER. He went to two doctors on Monday, the second doctor being at the clinic where they gave me my initial referral for the X-ray. So Matt went in to get a referral to a HK orthopaedic specialist (to the Cantopop stars of Hong Kong apparently) and I went in to review the X-ray from a week before. My toe was indeed not broken! My feet are really screwed up looking though and crooked.

In 7 days we had gone to 6 medical service centers between us!

Maybe it is bad luck now for Rabbits. Or we are just clumsy...

Needless to say he has been minimally on his feet. It is a good thing he only goes to the toilet once during the workday.

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